FedEx Home Delivery Contractors - A Girlfriend's View

My Boyfriend decided to run a FedEx Home Delivery Contractor Route. What started out as an interesting venture is fast becoming a lousy prospect. Thinking about becoming one? Here are some things, good and bad that he tells me that would make me wonder. Hate the service? Possibly it ISN'T the idiot drivers fault. ANY AND ALL COMMENTS ABOUT FED EX Home Delivery Services and Routes ARE MORE THAN WELCOME. Again, this blog expresses my opinions and the opinions of any commenter who posts here.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


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At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this blog! I've been slaving for FedEX Home Delivery for three years as a contractor, and I would have left long ago if I didn't have to pay the note on my truck. Once you buy that truck and drive for them a while, it's not worth what you owe. You will NOT be able to sell it or trade it. My route is pretty high mileage, so in the last two years I've racked up 150,000 miles. I have to buy new tires and replace brakes often. Not to mention the canopy and box body jar loose on country roads and must be tightened often at my own expense.

Right now I'm seeing the downfall of this company at my terminal, which is a co-location, Ground and Home Delivery "working together." Over the last 3 months we have lost the majority of our experienced contractors. The poor folks who replace them usually quit within a month or two. I'm told this is a company-wide problem. Those of us too indebted to leave continue to pray that we hit the lottery or that FedEx will wake up and respect what we do. The chances of either are slim to say the least.

I am a 100% service contractor who loves what I do, but hates who I do it for. I would recommend that if you're interested in becoming a contractor, look deeper than the FedEx name and the terminal manager who's promising you the perfect job. It's perfect for FedEx, not for the contractor.

At 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of things..There's just way to much complaining going on here. I'm a contractor, it's hard work. Maybe some people should just sit behind a desk. I do have a problem with two entries that are conflicting. If he has a tight route (178 stops - urban) how in the hell could an appointment stop take 50 miles and 1.5 hours? The total mileage for the route is probably more like 75-90 total miles daily. What gives?

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I to was a fedex home delivery worker for 2 years. I found out that fedex was starting home delivery when i lived in georgia and went to talk to the ground manager there. She was honest and told me that home delivery was going to not be even as "good" as ground, cause fedex was taking what they had learned from having ground and getting it "tweaked" just right for home delivery. Well, i moved to colorado and got on with home delivery through a freind. He bought a van and i became a full time supplement to him and he was going to get another route cause they told him it was growing so fast. Started in Aug, made it through Xmas and they said new route in Jan. Jan came and went to did feb,march, april,may, june, july, aug, sept, and finally in October he was able to buy a second truck and I became a full route. (he owned his and mine) Thank GOD my wife and i never bought a route. It is INDENTURED SERVITUTE. Something always bothered me about how fedex did stuff and no matter how many people asked us "when you gonna buy the route your driving, or buy someone elses that is going to quit", we just wanted to stay a suplemnet (full time) so I could quit anytime. I worked two full years in a city route (mine was actually the best route--usually about 110-135 stops aday). very tight, but also very busy. I ALWAYS wnated to be off by 5pm, so i busted ass: loaded the fasted and worked the fastet. Example: I dropped kid at school, so I got into the terminal at roughly 0745 or 0750. Start loading FAST (that is one secret, load FAST). Leave terminal at 0835-0850 most days. Usually first delivery is at around 0900. Delivered all day till usally 4 or 5 pm. During peak i delivered 135 stops in about 5 hours. I also had "downtown" high rises. Of about 120 stops daily, about 36-55 were always buissneses. Holding a bathroom break for 3-4 hours became common for me. I got paid by the stop. $1 per stop. If i had 23 boxes of home supplies (real situation that happended to me) and they were going to the 3 floor apartment (no elevator) then i carred them: total time for stop:roughtly 45 minutes: why so long? IIt was my second stop of the day. Had 128 stops, truck was packed full. Got to front door and no one answred. HAD TO GET RID OF THEM. I could not get to one my next stop cause these 23 boxes were in the way. Rang and rang the doorbell and saw light move behind the peephole, so I knew someone was there. Finally I went back to the truck and called nubmber on box. No answer. Went to office of aprtments. Not open Till 10am and it was 9:15. Wait? Hell no. Go back to apt, ring neighbors. No one home. (these are ghetto aprtments and no one trust no one) Go back to original door and bang, knock and ring doorbell. Finally someone says who is it. i say fedex. They open door. I tell them I have theier household good and I will start bringing them up.They say ok. (this is a teenage girl who weighs about 90 pounds, so she will be no help with these 23 boxes. I can get only one box up each flight of stairs. (all the boxes were marked with weight and the stickers for heavy boxes: lightest box was 32 pounds. Heaviest was 58. Most were in the 45-50 range. One box up each flight of stairs, to the third floor. In augustt. Actuall time spent from stopping and parking my truck to puting it in gear and driving away: Basiclally about 45-50 minutes. Money I earned. Thats right. One dollar. $1. Yup. Then I only had about 125 more stops to go! I ended up quitting about 2 months later. I injured my back on that stop (sidenote: a few days later I delivered 8 more boxes to the same apratment, and the next day the last 4).I ended up going to a chrioptractor, cause my wifes massages were not helping me. All that hard back breaking work for no benefits, vacation, or anthing. After my benefits for the chriroptractor ran out I would have been earning $120 a day and giving 20-30 of it to a chiropractor. No way I quit. Now i have a great job, excellent benefits and i love it. A while before i quit we were told we were number one in the region. What did we get? A hat. To anyone who read this, listen to what this girl is saying on her site. It is all true. It is not worth it. You are NOT your own buissness. You are not even a franchise (they get treated like shit, and that is even better than how Home delivery wiil treat you). Stay away. If a contractor is selling it, find out why. Ask to become a supplement for 5 months and then see if you still want to buy it. I betcha ya wont! The Managers are minions of the devil. The turnover for supplemnet and part time workers is atrocious. I got so used to new faces EVERY week, i did not even bother to learn. The loaders turn over seems like damn near every day!!. Loaders or the people that stack you boxes are important, cause if they stack your boxes right you can get out early if you load fast. How many contractors have been fully loaded EXCEPT for one box/stop and are digging through someone elses pile? Its ridiculuous. Waste sometimes 20-30 minutes going through other peoples pile just to find it at the bottom of someone elses stack mismarked by the unloaders. Managers are the devils bitches. I have ordered alot of my christmas gift this year and always ship via someone else. My current job is as a Mailroom clerk, so i deal with UPS, USPS, DHL, Fedex, Home Delivery and Ground ALL day. The worst: Home delivery, dhl then ground, the UPS, then USPS. Hope you and your girlfriend can find away out and sell your route. God bless and know that there are tons of us out there who have gone through the same thing. It caused lots of stress in my marriage. The saturdays sucked the worst! Take care from Colorado Springs.

At 6:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, I agree. The contractor model used by Fed Ex is ruthless. Long hours, expensive equipment, tax work, all add up to make for a job that hardly seems worth it.

It is also one of the best places I've ever worked. The key I've found is to find a way to make myself more marketable first to my fellow contractors and secondly to the company.

That happened about six years ago.

I had decided that one of our contractors major gripes was the almost impossibility of getting time off. This job is far too intese to go year after year after year without a week off.
So having a fair amount of route knowledge, i decided to voluteer to be the swing driver. The contractors in the building contributed $50 a week, hired a driver for my contracted route and trained me on their routes.

The following three years brought new meaning to the word frustration. The days became even longer. The Sunday afternoons became filled with dread at the coming week.

But something else happened. I gained alot of route knowledge. So much so that during Christmas of 2003 I made a deal with the HD manager at our co-location: I would be his super-temp through the season if he gave me the next contracted area. It is a deal I've found most terminal managers are eager to take.

I now have three Ground routes, one home delivery route, and two supplemental routes soon to be contracted into the fourth ground route. The best part is that I haven't paid a dime for any of them.

That is the real key. Don't be satisfied with one route. Grow and expand. I know it sounds like "pullin the hair of the dog that bit ya" or doing shots to take the edge off a hang-over, but it makes an odd bit of sense. Be a contractor. Not a driver with the title of "contractor".

One last note: The company's time off plan, modeled after what we did in our terminal, is not a great deal for the contractors. But for any contractor willing to be the swing contractor it is a huge pain in the ass with massive potential in both short and long term pay-off.

good luck
RKIS 612

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey all.. first of all thanks for starting this site which i stumbled across googling for a fedex hooded sweatshirt for this week's zero degree weather.. i'm a hd contractor up in the new england area.. i'll try to make a couple of brief points..

the home delivery concept could be one of the best business ideas and rewarding careers available - especially since it takes only a nominal amount of money upfront and very little to no training. here are some of the pitfalls that i've run into the past year that have turned this would-be great business venture into what some are accurately describing as daily torture!!!!

1. the particular distribution terminal where we load has around 35 to 40 contractors vying for approximately 25 loading bays. as all hd contractors know, you don't have a fighting chance of being successful if you can't make full use of daylight hours. interestingly, the management tends to pit drivers against each other (people parking trucks outside the bay doors the night before) rather than working towards a communicable solution.

2. relating to number 1, there is an encouragement to hire a temporary driver especially during peak season in a effort to expand your business, expand your route and to make more money. conceptionally a great idea. of course there is no room at the facility to fit even one more driver let alone trying to expand to another couple of routes..!! see below for more on temp drivers.

3. again relating to number 1, the managers in charge of distribution terminals either have no experience as home delivery contractors or have been so re-acclimated to the needs of the corporation and not of the contractors that it's impossible for them to be affective as managers. communication and cooperation is non-existent.

4. drivers are judged using comparative package deliveries and total stops. comparing one driver in a rural area driving around 200 miles to another having the same stop-count in less than 100 miles is ridiculous. the core charge and gas allowance does not compensate for the gasoline used and the wear and tear on the truck. see number 7 below for more...

5. the P-500 home delivery trucks that are the REQUIRED vehicle of "choice" are pieces of shit. (please don't edit that out as it is the best way to describe them!!!) the least of their problems are they are loud and cantankerous and spending 12 plus hours a day sitting in one and smelling the diesel fumes makes for imho a hazardous working environment. the worst of their problems is at least 50 percent of them, by my count anyway, have had to be sent for repairs for major disabling problems while they were less and 10k miles old.. AND, they cost almost 40 thousand fricken dollars.. they should consider going back to the vans that some of the legacy drivers are still happily using..

6. regarding the temporary driver situation, i would like to hear from hd contractors outside of new england. the management in our facility seem almost to be running a scam and not very selectively either short changing some of the temporary drivers to the point of sometimes not paying them at all. i thought maybe it was a ploy to encourage them to work outright for the contractors. anyway the scheme, if that's what it is, seems to be backfiring - if it's not illegal..!!!

7. a package count of 130 plus in a rural area and 170 plus in any area ON A DAILY BASIS is ridiculous and DNAing (did not attempt) should not be met with hostility.

i've already gone for too long. just sharing a few thoughts and want to reiterate that i think fedex could solve all if not most of these problems very simply and have a great program here.. anyway i can't imagine doing this for more than 2 or 3 years without burning out.

go pats...!!!!

At 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TO all that read:
I'm currently a hd contracter with 3 routes on the home side 2 routes on the ground side and 3 supplementals I grossed over 500,000 for 2004 my wife doen't work and all I do is cover time off needed trust me when I say take what fedex gives you and make it work for you as they say get big or get out it is all about making or finding deals on oil tires and labor dont take the first quote you get shop around and if someone is tired of being a contracter buy them out and put them to work for you 4 out of 8 of my drivers are ex contracters who couldn't make it on their own
Good luck

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fedex Home left my package at the drug house next to my business , Fedex said they can since no signature required by shipper and shipper should not have used FEDEX HOME for a business shipment. Had to pay drug heads $20.00 to get it back , Bet the dope head were disapointed to find and old radiator in box , Now I see why they just leave the packages anywhere. Thanks FEDEX HOME

At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently wised up and sold my route and now am finally free of two years of ten to twelve hours a day and releiving myself in a pail so I could get done within dot regulation time. With chaffed legs from my pants rubbing against my thighs because of running so fast to get done so I may get home at a decent time to see my family like normal people do. What's normal in FedEx's eyes? We are independent contractors controlled as regular employees except on our days off we still work by mainting our trucks, oil changes, tires, cleaning, book work, etc. Our managers think they're doing us a favor when giving us ground packages when we are home delivery drivers as stated by our contracts but think we'll LOVE to stay out until 9:00pm until we get done. Yey! Ain't that great. Flexible hours were stated in advertisement and from manager when I started but, the only flexible thing was the packages from route to route while keeping us at the terminal an additional time with no pay while the managers does his flexing. Does everyone have so many meetings? Where's compensation for that? While these meetings are usually mandatory we are independent contractors not employees. So why make them mandatory? LOOKING FOR OTHER WISCONSIN FHD'S WITH CURRENT OR PAST PROBLEMS WITH FEDEX!
Would like to talk or vent out frustrations. Has anyone had problems with managers who didn't follow through with their paperwork of routes being sold or bought? Please respond!

At 2:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

october i started this same sh*t. after not long i figured out how quickly one can spend money and time in this "ADVENTURE". it is a i invest....and invest....and invest!!! I have it figured out!!!
I can crank out the stops and make $$$ but need to get more routes now that the rules have changed i can, now that they lifted that 1 year restriction. if i get more routes and find some people that will be in their own bus. as subcontractors....I WIN. hard to do though. as for the people having problems it is a business, maybe not a good one, but, it is a business according to fdh. so quit treating it like a job and figure it out and do it right or get out that is all i cann say.
in poker i say it is either all in...or grab your chips and walk away before you lose it all!

At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, i almost forgot.....CARRIE,


At 3:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. ISN'T DOT 14 HRS?

At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt,I did you a favor! there is life after Fedex! I wish you the best.

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im having to doo in a rain bag piss in a bottle all to do 100 stops before 10:00. The relief drivers have gotten so many claims against me im paying out $200.00 a week. Fuel is killing me-after taxes im bringing home 230 dollars a week.The terminal manager wont help me with a core zone thats not mine-the packages for HD are too big for my small truck. I bring back ten 07's a day to prevent a service percentage drop. My wife doesnt see me anymore-I had a sexual harrassment claim filed against me for delivering a victorias secret package to the wrong house.Ive blown two engines-my transmission has been rebuilt twice.Our terminal manager is gay and tries to hit on the preloaders and noone will blow the whistle for fear of a backlash.Our terminal is made out of two double-wide trailers with holes in the roof-we have no heater or ac. The linehaul driver is always late in the mornings so we get out at 9 or 10 every day.A dog bit me and Fedex wouldnt pay the hospital bill. Ive lost 20 pounds from stress related work. I got frostbite last winter from the uniforms not keeping me warm enough. HD is a nightmare.

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was a fed ex ground contractor for 7 yrs . Went threw 3 huricanes had managers who would rather play golf or tell you well its your business get it done some how even if it takes you 7 days a week we all have had those .
Well when I was injuried on the job and had to be off of work mind you I got 100 percent everyday no 27s the new terminal manager comes up to me and said man if you miss and leave me hanging I will break your ass and take your route and he did just that never in my life had this happen I have worked hard like all of you to grow business and the old story goes its not what u do it how u do it
I was injuired by the neglatic by the loaders I lost 80% of my vision in my right eye because of the loaders God knows how shitty they are and hurt my back shoulder youname it I huhrt it but I still worked I had this jerk tell me this infront of other contractors yet fed ex ground relations aww man they are such a joke they work at fed ex you think any of them have a back bone .
Well I was terminated a week after my accident on the job mind you and the excuse I was using a unmarked van which I was aproved for by the old terminal manager our 6th one then here comes number 7 the ny stub saying its his terminal and he has power over all contractors men and women get together and fight these guys if not you will fall to them I filed a class action suite against fed ex last month never in my wildest dreams would have done such a thing if I didnt think I was wronged above all things as when u look at the contract and in the disabled form it reads 66 and two thirds of your income well there is a catch its 40% of your last 13 settlements and then they take 66 and two thirds of that so if you made 1300 a week your looking at wait bug bucks coming lol 255 bucks
I have 3 kids and my life was fedex ground I loved my job and never once had over 2 clams in a 7 yr time span no lost packages no theft and they fired me over in which our contract states you are to maintain your service area which was serviced 100% I still lost even with the big fedex ground relations guys which I am joking when I say that they are a joke .
What I have to say is this watch your back and front because these guys are out for fed ex and no matter how you hard you work and and moneys invested you will always lose until you have a laywer .
I worked like all of you 60 to 80 hrs aweek gas you know is high and man pray your truck doesnt break down .
Long story short I went bankrupted almost lost my home and for what getting hurt on the job wow what a great company they have had men and women steal mind you and still to this day stillwork there well goes to show itsall ways shitty at fed ex ground for the company f the contractor

At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everybody, majority of the articles I've read are not very positive on Fedex Ground.Is it anything somewhat positive about Fedex ground? I must say that I'm really re-thinking the overall picture before deciding to invest in Fedex Ground

At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred Smith had a dream-I had a nightmare!

At 9:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who defends Fedex is pathetic "GET A LIFE" or a wife or
something Fedex is a self serving piece of crap wanna be company! And they will pay for all of their deceptions to us little people! And hey if you are that far gone in thinking it's a "Great Company & Oppurtunity" then you obviously need to drive your own route!Fedex is a Joke! Check out how the UPS guy looks at you the next time you pass one!Please!

At 9:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a Fedex Freight driver formerly American Freightway's Fedex buying us was the best thing that happened to us, sound's like to me most of you people on this blog would not be happy period. I also have a Home delivery route which my wife runs 3 days a week I work a 4 day week at freight so I run it Tuesday and Saturday...It's all about management...join the Marine'sWA WA WA

At 10:55 AM, Blogger S said...

I don’t think it is very accurate to say that everyone who has posted here "would not be happy period". You say it is about management, and yes, I agree but more so that it is about the management at Fedex and less so of the route owner.

Maybe you just have a decent Terminal and Terminal Management team. That you only have enough "freight" to make up three days, and you can do 2 days on the HD route, makes me think that your volume may not be very high so management at your place may not be trying to pull many of the downright illegal and underhanded things that they do at many other places.

So, I'm glad that your situation isn't a sour and miserable experience, but it is for many of the people here including my husband. Its not that they are crybabies, it’s that they are disillusioned and aggravated by the perpetual lies and shady dealing of the “contract” they are involved with.

At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I really don't mind the work or the hours. It pisses me off that our manager is stupid. I have been a contractor for two years and here are a few stupid things she has done.

1. Peak season of 2004 I ran a supplemental route. I was told by her that I had to get extra coverage for my driver. To make a long story short, I ended up paying double coverage ($1800 worth) on my driver. I found out that all terminal managers recieved a memo saying insurance was already being withdrawn from our check. All she said was OOPS. Was she punished? NO! Was I reimbursed? Hell no and she even had the nerve to ask me if I would be running a suppemental in 2005.

2. In the spring of 2005 I had a package that was 82 miles one way and was 11 miles into the next county that our terminal does not cover. It had a rural route box number but with a city zip code that I do cover. I called the customer to find out if these were the correct directions. They said "we use that zip code because the Postal Service sucks in this county" (how they can do that, I don't know). I told her what they said and she said "sorry but it came in with that zip code so you have to take it." So being the rebel that I am I took it to the town that I do cover and sent it USPS (cost me a dollar, what a great deal).

3. Ah, the aggravating DOT logs. I had never filled one of these out until I started working at FHD. She showed us how to fill these out. One morning I showed up to find a stack of logs by my settlement. For about 6 or 7 months all the contractors she hired were filling these out wrong. "Oh by the way, these have to be corrected before you dispatch today" is all she had to say about this. In case you have never filled one of these out, the manager is supposed to sign saying everything is correct.

Those are just a few stupid things that have happened. I really like what I do. The days go by quick (sometimes to quick) and you are not stuck in one spot all day. It just sucks that one person can ruin my work experiance. I have learned one thing, you don't have to be smart to be a FHD manager. I am only 23 years old, when I was contracted I was the youngest in the region. Up at the region office we are on first name basis because I call so much asking questions that a terminal manager is supposed to know. Yet she still has a job. Oh by the way guys, if you think she is getting away with everything because she is hot, she's not.

At 7:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I started my route in 10-03 Lewisberry, Pa Hub . I worked the route till I got my contractor number in January 04. I then bought the route and truck for 30,000, (which I still owe the bank for). In February of 05, I allowed my nephew, to work on my route. In May of 2005 I ended my contract with FedEx and allowed my nephew to lease my route and truck, until he came up with the funds to buy it from me. Since May my route had grown to an uncomfortable size for one truck. My nephew was averaging 120 stops a day including pickups. FedEx continued to add to his route and pickups to the point where he needed to make some decisions to pick up some of his customers early, which led to some complaints. Not major, very minor complaints. He also had two accidents, one was filed as a claim to the insurance the other was not. Per the FedEx Contract you were allowed 3 within a years time. It is now February 13th, 3 weeks ago My nephew and I were told to start looking for a buyer for my route because they were not going to renew his contract which was up in May. Fine we'll deal with it, we started looking for possible buyers. Got a couple of potential buyers, one backed out and another showed much interest and was possibly going to do it. Friday, February 10th at 6:00 pm after my nephew was done running his route for the day, Mark Williams Terminal Manager, met with him and told him he terminated his contract as of that day. What this means is FedEx takes the route back and I get nothing for it. My route is worth 30,000 by itself now, and the truck is 12,000. I still owe over 22,000 on both items and now have no income to cover them. They setup my nephew for failure and pushed him out. The customers I talked to loved him and felt he went above and beyond in many things he did. If he showed up to a pickup early he helped a couple business pack up packages and everything. Managers at the hub loved him for going out of his way many times to make them look good. It was not very often that he brought many packages back in a day. He had 2 pickups that he was made to take that were out of his route. Many of his pickups were set at 3:30 and to go from one side of town to another and make these pickup times were outrageous. The expectation of these people are insane. Even a FedEx Sales Rep for my area said we needed another route to service the area approprietely. Many of the drivers at the Lewisberry Hub are unhappy and want to get out but once you get tied up within the web it is hard to get out.

At 7:40 AM, Blogger S said...

As I’ve stated, I started moderating the comments -- due to a bunch of SPAM and the fact that someone, clearly from Iowa (I can see in the webtracker logs), likes to come here and post, basically, remarks about how great life was back in the Good Ol’ Days at RPS when discrimination was supposedly freely practiced. Then He/She states that FHD came along and started hiring non-whites and that this is when things went down hill. Then He/She accuses me of being an anti-capitalist liberal, I guess because I refuse to post derogative statements, and that I am overlooking how great and successful the model really is.

I’m sort of confused about whether or not he/she actually backs FHD at this point and my assumption is that he/she doesn’t because he/she has to work with or heaven forbid, FOR (gasp) either a minority or a homosexual right now.

OK, Iowa person - I got your point. You don’t like anyone but heterosexual WHITES. Could it be that RPS management was better overall and FedEx’s management plan is the real issue, not the fact that they hire minorities? If you can step back, think through the differences in management without considering your race card and speak to that point, I’ll be happy to post your comments.

Anyway, in a comment I’ve deleted because it didn’t belong here really, I’ve invited this person to start their own blog if they want to talk about the race issue, and the only response I got from my suggestion is I need to be educated on bigotry and, oh yeah, that I my “other” blog must be a Hillary in 08 blog. Nope. I didn’t have any other blog until last tonight. So, Mr or Ms Iowa, please feel free to go to I’d love to answer some of your rebuttals there without the supposed censorship you are accusing me of.


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