A Wife's View
At the Troy and Gay blog that I mentioned on an earlier day, there is a post by a FHD contractor's wife that I find to be the perfect reply to a guy Leo - telling the other contractors who are posting complaints that they are basically idiots for complaining, that he's done his homework and cannot wait to start his new "business". With her permission, I'm re-posting it here because she covers many aspects with a great sense of humor.
Dear Leo Perez:
I'm the wife of a dedicated FedEx contractor who puts in 40 - 60 hours a week trying to make a paycheck from FedEx Home Delivery. He delivers 99.9% of his packages every week, but still can't make ends meet because FedEx Home Delivery sucks every penny they can out of his paycheck one way or another.
Let me offer you some words of wisdom. We thought we did all the research too; my husband rode on a route for several weeks, investigated the compensation plan, did the math, talked to drivers, thought he had it all covered, but that still wasn't enough. He read the contract over and over and it seemed to cover all the bases. In fact, it covered so many bases, they didn't leave a stone unturned. Those FedEx lawyers made that contract read so well, everything is to their advantage. They can change or alter anything they want, anytime they want. It's all up to interpretation...theirs.
My husband was just ecstatic when FedEx made him buy a truck for $30K. It turned out to be such a worthless piece of dog shit and so far this year, it has been in the shop more than it's been on the road. Of course, that wouldn't be because the truck isn't heavy duty enough to handle the job or anything!! Oh no. FedEx spec'd the truck in and said it would be perfect for this type of work. The funny part is, they're certainly not offering to pay any of the $1,000.00 a month we're spending on repairs!! Neither is Chevy. I could go on and on and on about that story. But wait...it gets better. Between the claims, repairs, gas prices, taxes, insurance, uniforms, truck payments and all other associated expenses, last year my husband made about as much money as a gas station attendant. Our accountant thinks we've lost our minds. But I'm sure you'll be able to put aside a good 10% of your pay so you have a retirement account someday. I'm sure FedEx will gladly match .50 cents on the dollar too. I hear the contractor pension is awesome. Why don't you research THAT?
Does the Core Zone they're offering you look good today? Well, mentally, try to hold onto that picture because soon, you can kiss it goodbye. Eventually, the core zone will disappear and then they'll change your route around on you so that your daily miles will go from 110 miles per day to about 230 and your stops will decrease by 20%. But I forgot...you completely understand how FedEx works so this is old news to you.
I'm sure you're also aware that contractors CAN get medical insurance if they pay astronomical premiums too. Or, they can hope that their spouse has really good insurance that covers chiropractic or medical care when they hurt their back... which probably happened when they were carrying that 120 lb. package up someone's icy staircase, which of course the owner's didn't bother to shovel or sand, they lost their balance, slipped, fell down the stairs and landed on their a*s *s in the snow. After digging around to find their glasses and scanner which had sunk a foot below the snow, they went back on their merry way delivering packages in 20 below weather hoping they didn't catch pneumonia because their clothes were soaking wet. I'm sure they also had a "back-up" driver on stand-by just waiting for a phone call telling them that they had work this week because they were bed-ridden and couldn't make it in. You know...you'll have those days when you're in the bathroom with a stomach bug so bad you wish you could rip your guts out...but you know you're tied to that FedEx contract,... and you know "the deliveries must get done". So you shake it off, take some Pepto and hope and pray to God you're near a McDonald's in a hour when Montezuma's revenge hits again. Yeah, my husband thinks it's great to be a contractor.
Trust me, in 6 months, you're going to be wishing you had a cubicle to go back to. While you're at it, why don't you get a supplemental driver for the holidays too?? That way you can put a second truck on and make some really GOOD money. I'm sure you've figured out how much extra money you can make on an additional driver and an additional route.....until that additional driver just doesn't show up for work one day because you're not paying him nearly enough, you can't find a replacement driver and you're stuck paying 2 truck payments, can't afford the insurance, have no savings account, they foreclose on your house, your wife leaves your sorry a* s* s* because you're broke and your kids have to go on welfare. Good luck with FedEx.
Posted by: The Wife on July 26, 2004 08:13 PM
I too was once a FHD contractor. I've posted and read other posts on the Troy and Gay site. Basically what everyone says is true...FHD just plain sucks. Most of the people in the terminal I worked were just there because of the poor economy. Even though we all knew FHD were screwing us, some money is better than none. I worked there just long enough until I could get a job back in my field. Once I did, I gave no notice, I just walked up to the terminal manager and said cya. It makes no sense to "bitch" to management...they don't care and deep down they realize it's a win win for FHD and a lose lose for the contractor. I can only hope the economy turns around so people leave mass exodus. FHD lies to you in every regard. I had a city route where I was getting 2 to 4 claims a week. Towards the end I just dumped the packages regardless if it was a signature, apt building or whatever. It is a ludicrious undertaking to say the least. Your pimping yourself, your good credit and a 30K plus truck to make about 1.50 a stop. To me FHD is like the "Evil Empire". Someday I only hope they get theirs. This is a good site. You send the link to FHD managers, not that they'd give a shit. Mine used to just tell you what you wanted to here so you would go away, then leave early to go golfing. In a word.... FHD Blows!!!
OK, I can only say that the FedEx became a terrible company.
And I am really wondering how come they lose especially bigger/heaver packages??
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